Grothendieck memorial afternoon

December 11, 2015

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lectures in room 6-120 (in Building 6)

Film in room 32-123 (in Building 32)

1:00-2:00pm David Mumford David Mumford: Abstraction that works: how Grothendieck and co-workers sorted out the muddle and solved big problems in algebraic geometry
2:15-3:15pm Joe Harris Joe Harris: Grothendieck's contribution to geometry: an end-user's appreciation
coffee break
3:45-4:45pm Leila Schneps Leila Schneps: Alexander Grothendieck: mathematician, activist, writer
question and answer session
5:15-6:45pm Alexander Grothendieck Film: Alexander Grothendieck, sur les routes d'un génie (with English subtitles)

Poster about Grothendieck's life
Grothendieck's life

  Sponsored by the MIT Department of Mathematics

Organizers: Bjorn Poonen, Leila Schneps