Random Matrix Statistics

Under Construction! Current version posted: August 18, 2005. You need the mhg package for the functions here to work.

Installation instructions:

Download and unzip the package rms.zip.

Other resources

  • Ioana Dumitriu's MOPs package for computing with Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials.

Function description:

mhg, mhgi, logmhg

Description: Computes the Hypergeometric function of one or two matrix arguments. See here for details.


Syntax: y=gammam(beta,m,a)
Description: Computes the multivariate Gamma function of parameter beta.
Comments: beta=2/alpha.


Syntax: f=pdfTraceWishart(MAX,u,Sigma,m)
Description: Computes the pdf of the tr(A), where A is an m-by-n Wishart matrix with m degrees of freedom and covariance matrix Sigma.
  • See Muirhead, 1978, p. 341 for theoretical background.
  • u is a vector, e.g., u=[0:0.1:30]; the function returns f(u), where f is the pdf of tr(A)
  • Although in practice Sigma is a matrix, only its eigenvalues factor in the computation, so the parameter Sigma is simply a vector of its eigenvalues.
  • A large enough value of MAX should be supplied to guarantee convergence of the series.
  • Run pdfTraceWishartTEST to see an example.


Syntax: pdfTraceWishartTEST
Description: A script for testing pdfTraceWishart against the results of a Monte-Carlo experiment.
Comments: Enter your own values for m, Sigma, and MAX. MAX must be large enough to guarantee convergence of the underlying series.


Syntax: f=pdfMinEigBetaLaguerre(M,beta,n,a,x)
Description: returns the pdf of the smallest eigenvalue of an n-by-n beta-Laguerre matrix of parameter a.
  • M is an integer, indicates the depth of the truncation, larger values will yield more accurate result, but will also take more time.
  • beta is positive and equals 2/alpha
  • n is the size of the matrix
  • a is a parameter, we must have a>beta*(n-1)/2
  • x is a set of values on which the pdf is to be evaluated


Syntax: pdfMinEigBetaLaguerreTEST
Description: A script for testing pdfMinEigBetaLaguerre against the result of a Monte-Carlo experiment.


Syntax: f=cdfMaxEigWishart(MAX)
Description: Computes the cumulative distribution function of the largest eigenvalue of an n-by-n Wishart matrix with k degrees of freedom and covariance matrix Sigma.
Comments: Enter your own values for m, Sigma, and MAX. MAX must be large enough to guarantee convergence of the underlying series.


Syntax: cdfMaxEigWishartTEST
Description: A script for testing cdfMaxEigWishart against the results of a Monte-Carlo experiment.
Comments: Enter your own values for m, Sigma, and MAX. MAX must be large enough to guarantee convergence of the underlying series.


Syntax: f=cdfMaxEigBetaLaguerre()
Description: Comutes the CDF of the largest eigenvalue of an n-by-n Beta-Laguerre matrix of parameter a.
Comments: Enter your own values for m, Sigma, and MAX. MAX must be large enough to guarantee convergence of the underlying series.


Syntax: cdfMaxEigBetaLaguerreTEST
Description: A script for testing cdfMaxEigBetaLaguerre against the results of a Monte-Carlo experiment.
Comments: Enter your own values for m, Sigma, and MAX. MAX must be large enough to guarantee convergence of the underlying series.

Plamen Koev
Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology