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Wellesley-Cambridge Press publishes 12 mathematics textbooks. The simplest way to order a book to be sent to a US address is to use math.mit.edu/weborder.php.

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The price apart from teaching copies is 60.00 + 4.00 postage (always less than Amazon)

Our distributor in most countries outside the US is Cambridge University Press

Our publisher in India for books 3 and 4 is Wellesley Publishers

Many of our books are also available from SIAM and the American Mathematical Society

The author is Gilbert Strang with coauthors for Finite Elements, Wavelets, and GPS

  1. Introduction to Linear Algebra (6th edition, 2023) ISBN 978-17331466-7-8
  2. Linear Algebra for Everyone (2020) ISBN 978-17331466-3-0
  3. Linear Algebra and Learning from Data (2019) ISBN 978-06921963-8-0
  4. Introduction to Linear Algebra (5th edition, 2016) ISBN 978-17331466-5-4
  5. Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2014) ISBN 978-09802327-9-0
  6. Essays on Linear Algebra ISBN 978-09802327-6-9
  7. Introduction to Applied Mathematics ISBN 978-09614088-0-4
  8. Computational Science and Engineering ISBN 978-09614088-1-7
  9. An Analysis of the Finite Element Method (with George Fix 2008) ISBN 978-09802327-0-7
  10. Wavelets and Filter Banks (with Truong Nguyen) ISBN 978-09614088-7-9
  11. Algorithms for Global Positioning (with Kai Borre) ISBN 978-09802327-3-8
  12. Calculus , Third Edition ISBN 978-09802327-5-2
