18.997: Polytopes

Instructor: Michel Goemans.

Mondays and Wednesdays (not Tuesdays and Thursdays as appeared earlier) 9:30-11 in 2-132.
First meeting Feb 5th!

The schedule can be found here.

For those scribing, here is a basic preamble.tex file with environment definitions for theorems, proofs, etc. and a short template file for your scribe notes.

Here is a list of exercises. And a few references.

In this course we will study polytopes, mostly from a combinatorial point-of-view but also at times from an algorithmic perspective. Polytopes are geometric objects which are simple to define (bounded intersection of finitely many halfspaces), yet there are lots of basic questions which are still unanswered (Hirsch conjecture on the diameter, Mihail and Vazirani's conjecture on the edge expansion of 0-1 polytopes, ...) or for which known proofs are rather involved (e.g. Rivin's result on the inscribability of 3-polytopes). Intuition from 3-polytopes usually does not carry through to higher dimensions.

Our main reference will be Günter Ziegler's "Lectures on Polytopes", Springer-Verlag, 1995. We will also discuss topics which are not much covered in this reference (such as volume of polytopes, polyhedral combinatorics,...) and hopefully recent results (such as Barany and Por's bound on the number of facets of 0-1 polytopes). We will start from the basics and no specific prerequisites will be assumed. The syllabus will partly depend on students' interests but here is a partial list of the topics we will be discussing.