atlas interaction from June 2, 2020 seminar [Davids-MBP-100:~] dav% atlas all This is 'atlas' (version 1.0.8, axis language version 1.0), the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations interpreter, compiled on Jun 2 2020 at 09:11:49. atlas> set G=U(4,2) Variable G: RealForm atlas> set p=G.trivial Variable p: Param atlas> p Value: final parameter(x=119,lambda=[5,3,1,-1,-3,-5]/2,nu=[5,3,0,0,-3,-5]/2) atlas> set mylambda = (p.lambda + p.x.involution*p.lambda)/2 Variable mylambda: ratvec atlas> mylambda Value: [ 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0 ]/2 atlas> set q=p*0 Variable q: Param atlas> set q0=first_param (finalize(q)) Variable q0: Param atlas> set mylambda = (q0.lambda + q0.x.involution*q0.lambda)/2 Variable mylambda: ratvec (overriding previous instance, which had type ratvec) atlas> mylambda Value: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ]/2 atlas> {this looks like what I had} atlas> q0 Value: final parameter(x=37,lambda=[1,1,-1,1,-1,-1]/2,nu=[0,0,0,0,0,0]/1) atlas> {note different x, nu=0; explanations in OneNote notes} atlas> quit Bye.