18.315 Problem Set 1. (due Thursday, September 21) 1. Prove (using only the definition of representations) that the symmetric group S_n, n>=2, has exactly two 1-dimensional representations: the trivial representation and the sign representation. 2. Prove that the number of paths of length 2n in the Young graph that start and end at the 0-th level (and can have up and down edges in any order) equals (2n-1)!! := 1*3*...*(2n-1). The following fact might be useful. The number of complete matchings of the set {1,2,...,2n} (i.e., ways to subdivide this set into n pairs) equals (2n-1)!!. (But if you use this fact you need to prove it.) 3. Let X and Y be two matrices that satisfy the relation YX-XY = X. Prove that Y^m X^n = \sum_{k=0}^m {m \choose k} n^{m-k} X^n Y^k. 4. Construct explicitly a 2-dimensional irreducible representation of S_4 by presenting 2x2 matrices for the 3 adjacent permutations. 5*. Let F be the directed graph on the set of all sequences of 1's and 2's (including the empty sequence o) with edges of the following form (a_1,...,a_k,2^r) --> (a_1,...,a_k,1,2^r) and (a_1,...,a_k,1,2^r) --> (a_1,...,a_k,2^{r+1}) for any r,k >=0, where a_1,...,a_k is any sequence of 1's and 2's and 2^r denotes the sequence with r 2's. For a vertex v in F, let p(v) be the number of directed paths from o to v. Prove that \sum_v p(v)^2 = n!, where the sum is over all vertices v = (a_1,...,a_k) in F such that a_1+...+a_k = n.